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November 2016

The second meeting hit a last minute snag when one of our two speakers couldn't attend due to ill-health...

October 2016

The first meeting had an excellent speaker, Dr Barry Miller, who enlightened the audience about the past and future of training in Pain Medicine...

September 2016

With the new academic year looming, the soon to be former President hopes that the programme will be attractive to many in the region...

June 2016

In his last meeting at the front of house, the President, Dr Ewen Forrest, used his address to talk about something far more important than anaesthesia...

May 2016

A joint half day meeting with the Section of Anaesthesia of the Manchester Medical Society was hosted at the Park Royal Hotel...

March 2016

The Trainees' Prize meeting had five excellent presentations so congratulations to all!...

February 2016

Another meagre audience at the January meeting heard an excellent talk given by Dr Micheal Stewart...

January 2016

The President is becoming increasingly bemused at the poor turnout by working members of the society despite the high relevance of the topics covered at the meetings...

November 2015

The meagre audience heard from Dr Matt Oliver who has been one of the RCA co-ordinators...

October 2015

The audience was both informed and entertained by Captain Trevor Dale (seen on the right) describing the characteristics of an ideal team...

September 2015

With the new academic year starting next month, the joint meeting with the MSA comes first. Rarely does the society invite a non-medical speaker but next month...

May 2015

Another memorable T.Cecil Gray BJA medal lecture, this year presented by Professor Paolo Pelosi from Genoa, Italy...

March 2015

LSA President, Dr Ewen Forrest shakes hands with his counterpart, Dr Richard Wadsworth, President of the Section of Anaesthesia of the MMS...

February 2015

Five excellent presentations were given this year by trainees ranging in experience from CT2 to ST7...

January 2015

Professor Pearse (centre) is seen with Mr Max McCormick, LMI President, (left) and Dr Ewen Forrest, LSA President (right)...

November 2014

Dr Mike Osborn (left) and Dr Rowan Hardy (right) are pictured with the President, Dr Ewen Forrest.

October 2014

New President of the Society, Dr Ewen Forrest is seen with guest speaker Professor Aidan Byrne (right)...

September 2014

The academic year is soon to start and members await with great anticipation the inauguration of the new President...

May 2014

Dr Janice Fazackerley presented a wide-ranging talk touching on football, the local history of the two cities, the cleaning up of the Mersey...

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March 2014

'The Occasional Specialist' joint meeting with Manchester was well attended and those present were rewarded by five excellent presentations...

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