Past Presidents
Dr Clare Howard
LSA President 2016 - 2018
As a Past-President of the Liverpool Society of Anaesthetists, I would like to welcome you to the LSA website and also assure you that you would be most welcome at any or all of the meetings. Whilst it might be considered, these days, to be a cliche, the original aims of the BBC as drawn up by Lord Reith, namely to inform, educate & entertain might also be applied to the underlying principles of the LSA.
Supporting the President is the Committee of the Society and considerable time and trouble is spent by it in drawing up an interesting & stimulating programme for each session. The objective is to provide members with a wide ranging set of lectures, seminars and local knowledge with the Trainees' Prize competition. The aim is always to further our knowledge of the wide range of topics embraced by Anaesthesia, Intensive Care & Pain Medicine but to do so in an engaging & interesting manner. We are always pleased to receive suggestions regarding topics that might be covered in future meetings.
As well as hopefully contributing to making us better clinicians, we must not lose sight of the fact that the LSA also sees itself as having a role in acting as a social forum for all members in Merseyside & North Wales. I myself am no longer in clinical practice but still derive great pleasure in attending the meetings, furthering my education and meeting up with old friends & colleagues. I think this is particularly important for trainees, many of whom move around the country during their training. They can not only expand their network of friends in the profession but also begin to put faces to names amongst the more senior members of the specialty.
I therefore wish to extend to you a warm welcome on behalf of the Society and would be delighted to shake the hand of any new recruit to its ranks. After all, in years to come, you might also find yourself as the President but much more importantly find that over the years you have learned a good deal, met some interesting individuals, established long lasting friendships all whilst enjoying yourself along the way.
Clare Howard